



Get Over My Weakne

I love clean thing, it ound good for me. But the thing i that I cant bear the dirty environment around me, I am very picky about the environment. I need to make ome change, I mut get ued to the normal ituation. So I learn to wah the dirty clothe and do ome dirty work. It i hard for me but I tart to get over my weakne.


Morning Exercie

I alway wake up very late, but ince my grandma come to live with u, he ak me to do the morning exercie with her. At firt, I am very unwilling to do it, but later I find that I am full of energy and can liten to the leon with all my heart. What more, I like the freh air and the city look o beautiful in the morning.

The Square

There i a big quare near my houe. People like to get together there and have the long chat. My grandma like to go there when he ha the time. Epecially at night, after finihing dinner, my grandma will go to dance with her friend in the quare. Sometime I will go with her, eeing my grandma dance and join her group.


When I read the comic erie of uperman, I am o crazy about thi man. He i o powerful, he can fly and then ave the world. When there i evil force, uperman will come out and then defeat the bad guy. I want to be a policeman when I grow up, o that I can protect my family and keep the world peace.

My Elder Siter

I have a iter, he i older than me. My iter i very nice to me, he alway let me chooe the food firt and then he eat the le one. My iter ee me through all the time, when I have bad mood, he will comfort me. Sometime we will have argument, my iter will ay orry to me. Now I want to be her good little iter.