



大班英语教案《How much》


1、复习句型:I put on my …I have …及儿歌“Traffic Lights”。重点练习句型:Show me a … How much







1、师生互相问好:“Good morning boys and girls.”

“How are you?” “Fine, thank you。”

“Nice to see you 。”

2、师生互动,复习儿歌《Very good》《Ha y》《Give me five》

3、组织幼儿做睡觉、梳洗、吃饭等动作,复习句型:Let’s go to bed. It’s one o’clock…It’s seven o’clock. Get up. I put on my shirt …I brush my teeth .I wash my face…I have breakfast…

4、师出示红绿灯,提问:“What’s this?”It’s a red light.(yellow lightgreen light )

5、幼儿游戏:乘车。师扮司机,幼儿当乘客。乘客逐一买票,询问司机:“How much ?”司机回答后方可上车。放音乐,带领幼儿做开汽车状,练习儿歌:“Traffic Lights”

6、师带领幼儿回座位坐好。出示货架、货物等,进行情景表演。师扮售货员,幼儿扮顾客。售货员:“卖东西啦,快来买好东西啦!”顾客:“Please show me a ball(pencilpearbook…) ”售货员:“Here you are.”顾客:“How much ?”售货员:“One yuan…”幼儿依次进行练习对话。巩固句型:Show me a…How much?


大班英语教案《How much》


大班英语活动教案 Ican…


通过看看、听听、动动、说说,理解并学习句型“I can…"







数来宝《Run, Jump, Fly, Swim》

歌曲《Follow Me.》

情景表演,感受并理解句型“I can…":

T:“Who"s coming?"

Ainmal: I"m a bird / a fish / a tiger/ a rabbit. I can fly / swim /run / jump.

I"ll go to the animal sports.

三、欣赏歌曲《I can…》,再次感受句型。


幼儿自由选择小动物,并尝试说:"I"m a … . I can …. "将小动物贴入背景图中。



大班英语活动教案 Ican…




Class: 5-6 year oldsInstructor:崔明霞

Time: February 3, 2009  Place: The Second Kindergarten in pujiang


1.To review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken” that we have learned.

2. To introduce the new word “French fries”, the sentences “May I help you? I want…”and try to use the words and sentences.

3.Be pleased to communicate with partners.

Teaching Aids:

1.Cards and models (hamburger French fries…)

2.Tape and radio


4.An imitative situation of KFC

Teaching Steps:


①T: Let us go to KFC today, OK? K: OK!

②To follow the music and review the song .

③To act the song by yourself.

2.Say about KFC foods

①(show pictures)T: Now, we are in the KFC. What can you see from the picture?

②K: (I can see the) hamburger/ice cream/chicken/cola…

③To introduce French fries to kids.

④Touch Game:

Stick the cards everywhere in the classroom. For instance, teacher orders: “Jump to the French fries.” The kid jumps to the card with French fries and touch it.

3.To buy KFC foods

①To play the VCD, and present the dialogue(new sentences).

W: May I help you? C: I want a hamburger.

②To play the VCD again. Try to say follow the VCD and teacher.

③T: Oh, I am hungry…(kids are waiters and teacher is the customer)

4.Performance in the situation

①In the imitative situation of KFC, kids act waiters/customers in pairs.

②Practice the dialogue: May I help you? I want...

③Teacher can help them, if they want.



1、活动目标的预设从知识、技能和情感三大领域出发,重在激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣。如活动目标To review the words “ hamburger, cola, ice cream, chicken”,主要是感知一些常见的肯德基的食物的英文名称,幼儿对此非常熟悉,因而能够激发他们学习的兴趣。又如活动目标Be pleased to communicate with partners,体现了对幼儿英语运用以及交际能力的培养。

2、活动内容的选择很适宜。第一,符合幼儿的兴趣点、生活经验以及日常交际的需要。KFC是幼儿很感兴趣的场所,他们对KFC的一切事物都非常熟悉,同时迫切地需要为他们提供英语交流的条件和机会。幼儿对薯条、汉堡、可乐、番茄酱等等词汇的学习会很感兴趣,活动的效果会大大提高。第二,顺应幼儿的认知层次以及发展需求。大班幼儿在英语学习的过程中已经开始需要感受具有实际语用价值的简单的短句或者对话。尽管,幼儿在第一次的活动中还不能完全熟练地说出May I help you? I want...这样的句子,但是我们可以让他们结合情境感受句子的语音语气,为下一次活动中进一步的掌握作一个铺垫。从而,遵循幼儿认知循序渐进的特点。

3、活动过程中注意语言的可懂性,坚持此时此地的原则。教师的语言输入注意选择幼儿身边的事物。例如,KFC,waiter/waitress, hamburger and so on.当教师将图片呈现出来时,就激起了幼儿的共鸣。


5、遵循理解先行,表达在后的原则。幼儿在语言习得的过程中,总是先听再说。在本次活动Say about KFC foods的环节中,说说KFC的食物结束之后,教师没有急于让幼儿模仿新授的单词,而是做了一个Touch the cards 的游戏,让幼儿在反复地倾听、操练的过程中,充分地把握这些的单词的发音,了解这些单词的意思。在呈现新的对话时,也一样遵循了这样的原则。先让幼儿看VCD中的情景对话,接着由教师来引导幼儿表演,最后在实物情境中表演时,让幼儿充分地、大胆地表达。


7、活动的各个环节中,采用了不同的方法或手段,为幼儿提供了多种体验的方式。如在Warming-up中,幼儿边唱边跳,进入了英语学习的氛围。在Say about KFC foods中,幼儿通过游戏Touch Game巩固和复习了新旧单词。在Performance in the situation中,幼儿通过进行角色的扮演,操练了新授的对话等等。丰富多样的活动方法,在充分调动幼儿多种感官的基础上,激发幼儿学习英语的主动性与积极性。

8、在整个活动中,采用了集体、个别以及两两合作相结合的活动形式。活动一开始复习已经学过的单词时,采取了集体复习的形式,便于帮助已经遗忘的幼儿恢复记忆。在巩固新学习的单词时,教师以个别的形式,请幼儿进行游戏Touch Game,便于了解幼儿间掌握的差异性,并帮助个别幼儿进行强化巩固。在最后的情境游戏中,根据新学习的对话的特点,采用了两两合作的形式,在尝试着运用语言的同时,提高幼儿与同伴交往的能力。

大班英语 KFC








一、 课前热身

T:Good morning boys and girs! C:Good morning MISS SU!

T:How are you,**?  C:I’m fine. Thank you.


1、出示:跷跷板(实物)what’s this?(跷跷板) yes,it’s the seesaw.(出示词卡seesaw ){幼儿练说}

2、Who want to play the seesaw?(请两名幼儿玩。)

3、What can you see?Up and down(出示词卡) {幼儿练说}

4、Now ,follow me ,please.(边连起来说边做动作seesaw, seesaw up and down )

5、I want to play the seesaw,who wants to try?(**,come on ,let’s play)

6、What am I say? (出示短句:come on ,let’s play){幼儿练说}

7、Ok,let’s play the seesaw.(师生边玩边念童谣seesaw, seesaw up and down,seesaw, seesaw up and down,come on ,let’s play .come on ,let’s play )

8、**,Who is your friend?你怎么邀请他?使用come on ,let’s play. (边玩边念)

9、Who want to try? Ok,let’s play.(集体做游戏)

10、  Are you happy?ok,we’ll sing a happy song.( 出示短句)

11、  集体唱歌《Good morning.》结束活动



This little pig went to the market


公开活动:This little pig went to the market





1、Warm up: 歌曲

2、(教师出示儿歌背景图片)T: I bring a picture today. What do you see?


C:I see a happy pig./ I see a market./ I see a house and a sleepy pig.


1、T:What happened to these little pigs? Let’s listen to the rhyme together!


T:What did you get from the rhyme?

2、T: Let’s enjoy it again! This time, listen carefully. How many pigs are there in the market? What did they do?

欣赏儿歌第二遍( 教师边念边表演)

T:What did you get from the story?



T: Which pig went to the market? 然后请一名幼儿送小猪回家,其中went to the market 和cried wee wee wee我会请几名幼儿说说选择的理由,Why you choose this little pig? 孩子们没说出来的内容,我就直接提醒比方说Which little pig had roast beef? 先请孩子送小猪,送好整体幼儿练习2遍,行么?)

3、T: Let’s listen it again. Please help me put the number on the right pig. Which is the first/the second… (把字母贴在小猪身上排序,理清儿歌的顺序。)


(1) 教师说图片内容,幼儿说图片序列。然后交换

T:Let’s play a game. I tell you the sentence. You tell me the number of it. For example I say: “This little pig went to the market.” You should tell me No 1.

T:Now change. I say the number you tell me what the picture says.


T:I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Group 1 stand here on the yellow line. Group stand there on the red line. Group 1 say a number. Group 2 should tell me what the picture says.





Group 1: You can clap your hands.

Group 2: Come and show the rhyme to us. Ok?


2、Let’s play a game


大班 This little pig went to the market


What do you have?(大班)

What do you have?

Cla :Grad3I tructor:stellar



1、学习新句型“what do you have?I have……”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达;


Teaching Aids:

每人一个小书包 一件小围裙 小熊木偶一个



T:Good morning,boys and girls!We will begin our cla .Are you ready?(yes!)Let’s sing a song.(Hello song)


Tlease close your eyes.One two three.Open your eyes.What’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包)

S:It’s a bagpack.

T:Yes.It’s a bagpack.It’s Teddy’s bagpack.Gue !What’s in the bagpack?

S:It’s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er)

T儿歌)What do you have?What’s do you have?

Teddy:Gue .Gue .Gue !

T:I don’t know.I don’t know.

Teddy:I have a book.I have a book.

(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)


Teddy: Have you a bagpack?Please open your bagpack.What do you have?What do you have?

T and S:Gue .Gue .Gue !

Teddy:I don’t know.I don’t know.

T and s:I have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)

T:You can find a friend and ask eachother:“What do you have?”

Tet’s play a game.When the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.When the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “What do you have?”The another one anwser“I have a……”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里)

Tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song)

(歌词)Hi,hello.How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine.What do you have?I have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).How are you!How are you!

T:You are very good!See you next time.Byebye.

What do you have


What Colour?



2、能用who are you?并用I’m进行对话交流。








T: Hello, Good morning, boys and girls!

S: Hello, Good morning, Miss Wu.

Step2:句型“Who are you? I’m…”操练。

T: First, Let’s play a game, Ok?

1)玩捉迷藏游戏引入句型,教师蒙住眼睛,走进幼儿中摸到幼儿问:Who are you?请幼儿回答 I’m…(三次以上)

2)T: Next, Let’s talk。


Step3: 学习新单词

T: Let’s stop! Now well, look, I have red coat. How nice!again.

Do you like red?  What colour? Again.


依次出示彩色花片(组成一朵花)学习单词。分全班男孩女孩小组读。 T: well, Now, Let’s play an other game, Ok?



Step4: 复习单词。

T: Well, This game with colours.

Guess what am I holding?

It’s a Magicbox.


T: Open the box, It’s a Magicrope.

Guess first what colour?


猜对了就欢呼“Yes”,猜错了,就说“No, sorry”。

T: At last, Now look.




What Colour


she is my mother

She is my mother.

Total: 3 Lesson: 2

Teaching purpose:Use pronouns to identify people.

Ask a ‘Who’ question

Use adj to describe people.

Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty

Who is this? It is me.

Who is he? He is my father.

He is handsome.

I love my father.

Teaching procedures:

A: Revision

1. Singing: Hello, How are you?

I like coffee

Teddy Bear

2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,

grandmother, grandmother, healthy,

father, father, handsome,

mother, mother, pretty,

uncle, uncle, fat,

auntie, auntie, slim,

sister, sister, smart,

brother, brother, naughty,

I am lovely.

3.Tony’s family picture: Who is he? He is my father.

a. The teacher asks and the students answer.

b. Boys ask and girls answer.

c. Girls ask and boys answer.

4.Singing: Who is he?

B: Presentation


1. A picture of myself:

T: Who is she?Ss: She is Miss Zhang.

T: Yes, it is me.

2. Teach the new structure:Who is this? It is me.

3. A picture of our class: ( All the students ask together, and the one who

is in the picture should stand up and says: It is me.)

Ss: Who is this?S1:It is me.

4. A Game: Look at the screen and the one appear on the screen

should stand up and say the sentence.

Tony, Tony, can you see?

Tony, Tony, it is me.


1. Go back to Tony’s family picture.

2. fatherfather, handsome

mothermother, pretty

sistersister, smart

brotherbrother, naughty

3. Draw the lines.

naughty  smart  pretty  handsome

4. A Game: Who is handsome (pretty, smart, naughty) please come to the front

then chant together.

e.g. Charley, Charley, handsome.

Harry, Harry, handsome….

5. Introduce Tony’s family members:

Who is he?

He is my father.

He is handsome.

I love my father.

6. Drill: He is my father.

He is handsome.

I love my father.

7. Look at your own pictures then do pairwork:

A: Who is she?

B: She is my mother.

She is pretty.

I love my mother.

8. Drawing: Draw a picture of your family, then introduce your family members.

e.g. She is my sister.

She is smart.

I love my sister.

she is my mother


Review units 5~9


toreview: numbercolorstationerybody

teachingaids:color paperatlas


T:Today,we’re going to have a revision class. Now, are you ready?


Song: A B C song

T:let’s sing the “ABC sing”,o.k? The whole class,ready?



T: let’s have a daily talk!

Ⅲ.game: Draw lots.(一)

T:there are so many piece of paper in this box. You can choose one and tell me

what color is it. then open and read the numb. onit. I will help you to count


Ⅳ.review three chants.

T:let’s have a rest!

1. two little black birds

2. at the farm

3. clap your hands

Ⅴ. Game: Draw lots.(二)

Ⅵ.review two songs

1. ten little fingers.

T:how many fingers do you have?let’s count. ……

Let’s sing the song ten little fingers.

2. walking walking

Review units 5


Put on & Take off

活动内容:Put on & Take off




2. 复习单词:coat、cap、glaves、shoes、sport shoes新授单词:glasses(眼镜)、pants(裤子)、scarf(围巾)

3. 能结合所学单词熟练运用句型Put on…… Take off…….



内容: A.太阳升起时小朋友起床,穿戴自己的衣物(句型练习:Put on……、出现新授单词glasses、pants、scarf)B.天黑了,小朋友准备上床睡觉(句型怜惜:Take off……)C.两名幼儿相互间发指令(复习巩固单词与句型)




一、Warming up


coat coat coat、cold cold cold

if you are cold, put on your coat.


1.T: Everybody, there is a program for you! Please watch carefully!


3.T: ok! In this program, there are three new words for you, what are they?


glasses:Everybody, follow me! Glasses!(集体幼儿跟教师念)

say: put on my glasses.

Pants: What’s this? (pants) (集体念后,个别幼儿念)

Say: put on my pants.

Scarf: What’s this? (Scarf) Ok, pass around.(开火车念)

Say: put on my Scarf.

5.Ok, who wants to be a teacher and ask us? (请一名幼儿提问:What’s this?

What are they?其他幼儿回答:glasses、pants、scarf)


1.T: Ok! let’s go on.(继续观看录像B)

2.T: It is so interesting, let’s do it together, ok?

Take off my cap Take off my coat Take off my pants Take off shoes

T: Once again!

Take off my cap Take off my coat Take off my pants Take off my shoes.


1.T: Here is a game for you, Watch carefully!(观看录像C)

2.T: That’s all! Do you understand?


T: Now, there are coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf

T: I want two children of you, who wants to try?

游戏规则:请两名幼儿比赛,比赛幼儿听教师口令作相应动作,(put on your……take off your…….最快者为胜)

T: Who wants to try? You say, they do!


T: On the tables, there are coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf here.

T: Find your coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf.

And put on them.

T: Then make a friend. You say and your mate do it. Your mate say and you do it. Understand?

T: Ok! Come on, Let’s do it!


1.音乐起,幼儿集中。集体念儿歌《put on and take off》

Put on your cap、put on your coat、put on your pants、put on your shoes.

I feel cold, I feel cold.

Take off your cap、Take off your coat、Take off your pants、Take off your shoes.

I feel warm, I feel warm.

Put on


Play with hapes


1、encourage the kids to recognize and say the word

2、review the words about color




teaching materials(教具准备):

tape ; sticker; 魔法棒一个;各种图形的图片; 毛线;自制钓鱼工具;情境挂图;cd;

teaching proce (教学流程):

一、warm up(热身) :

1、 tpr:播放律动“play-way to english”,让幼儿伴随着音乐进入课堂,并一起做律动。


t: how are you today?

s: i’m fine, thank you! and you?

t: i’m fine too. and how is the weather today?

s: it’s su y/rainy day.

t: woo… you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok, now today i’m magic, and then please look at the blackboard.

二、teaching new words about shapes:


2、学习词汇:square star triangle rectangle heart oval;

3、q&a:what color is the(square)? 复习相关颜色词汇;

4、字汇游戏(一): fishing game

t:ok, now would you like play a game? s:yes.

t:let’s have a compotatioif i say the words, you should use this one, fishing the right picture as fast as you can, the first one is the wi er. understand? ok, who can try? ready go.



t:oh, please look at the picture; who is he/she?

s:she/he is midi/haley….

t:can you guewhat are they doing? (请幼儿观察图画后回答)

what’s i ide? what shape is it? 请幼儿上来一一找出图画里欠缺的物品,并回答相应的问题,帮助复习巩固所学词汇。

四、游戏(二):make the shapes by yourself.



woo…today you are very clever, are you ha y today ? now i want to make a circle, let’s make, ok? sing a song“the more we get together.”结束活动。

Play with hapes



Teachingstyle:New le o



1.To learn some new words about farm: mouse, pig, fox.

2.To learn a poem: These are grandma's gla es.

Languagepoints: The new wordand po e ive's.


1.The po e ive's.

2.The poem: These are grandma's gla es.

Teachingaids: Computer, tape and some word cards.

Teachingmethods: Communicative a roach

Blackboarddesign: These are Grandma's gla es.

Teaching ste :

Step1 Warm up:

1.Sing the songtogether "Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes".

Sing and do the actio2 times.

2.Listen and do the actio :

Touch your nose/ head/ legs/ feet/...

Ask some to come to the front to act.

Step2 Review

T points to self and introduces:

This is my body. This is my head. These are my eyes...

Let's point to themselveandrepeat.

Then ask some to introducethemselves in grou .

Step3 Look, listen and repeat.

Look at the screen: A car.

Let's look at the screen and guewhat we'll learn this le on.

1.Teach the words "pig".Read and repeat.

Then read one by one or read in pairs.

2.T asks "How do you go to a farm?"

can a wer with the words we've learnt before.

T elicits the new word "motorbikes" and let guethe meaning.

Read and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of "pig".

3.T"Now let'go to the farm ,let's go to see the animals."

Let'sguessthe meaning of "animals".:"fox".

Read and repeat.

4.Show the slides of "pig, fox" ,read and repeat.

Pay attentioto the pronunciation of" mouse".

Step4 Read and repeat.

1.Look at the cardand read the new words one by one.

2.Look at the some cards.

read in pairs.Check each other.

3.Look at the card: The farm.

Let's say out the words again.

4.Show the word cards one by one , let say out them as quickly as they can.

TheLet's try to make some sentences with the new words in Chinese and English.

Step5Say and do the actio

Look at the card: The poem.

1.Play the tape, listen to the poem 2 times.

2.T says the poem sentence by sentence with actio :

For example:

These are Grandma's gla es: mime gla es on eyes.

This is Grandpa's hat: mime putting a hat on the hat.

Grandma, Grandma folds her arms: folds arms...

Let's guessthe meaning.

3. Explain for the.Pay attention to "Grandma's/Grandpa's", give some other examples: Amy's...,Deming's..., my father's...

4.Teach the poem line by line.

5.Play the tape again, and let try to repeat several times.

Then clap and say together.

Grathe new words we've learnt today and try to say the poem fluently.



lion’s birthday



ra it a

ra it b

teddy bear a

teddy bear b

l: hello, everyone. i’m lion. today is my birthday. i’m very ha y. i dre ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends. i’m busy.

r: hello, everyone. i’m ra it. today is lion’s birthday. let’s go lion’s home. (song: walking, walking, walking, walking, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, now let’s go, now let’s go.)


l: who?

r: i’m ra it.

l: good morning, ra its.

r: good morning, lion. how are you?

l: i’m fine, thank you. come in please.

r: thank you.

r: ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope you like.

l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的请小兔子们吃)

r: thank you.

teddy bear : hello, everyone. i’m teddy bear. today is lion’s birthday.

we prepared a present for him. let’s go lion’s home. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear, teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear, teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )


l: who?

b: i’m teddy bear.

l: good morning, teddy bears.

b: good morning, lion. how are you?

l: i’m fine, thank you. come in please.

b: thank you. ha y birthday.(把礼物给狮子)here you are.

l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. (拿出一些吃的请小熊吃)

l: time is up. let’s enjoy the birthday cake, ok?

b,r,l: (最后齐唱生日快乐歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you.

teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion.



how to make tea

执教:李萍 配教:崔小云 许黛杏 时间:2003年11月26日

教学名称:How to make tea.




2.正确掌握音标/v/发音要领,学习并会运用短语Have some water ./Have some tea.

教学准备:茶叶 茶壶 水杯 矿泉水瓶 热水壶 椅子 桌子


1. 组织教学:Let’s count from one to ten.

2. 练习单词five 的发音,讲解音标/v/的发音要领并练习/v/的发音.

3. 学习单词have,注意幼儿的发音。

4. 情景表演:

Mary: It’s fine day , It’s fine day .I’ll visit my friend.

Ding-dong, Ding-dong.

Alice: Who’s it.

Mary: It’s me, It’s me. Mary.

Alice: Welcome, welcome. Sit down, please!

Would you like to have some tea?

Mary: Thank you.

Alice: Oh, my god. It’s empty. Mummy is not in.

Mary: No problem. I’ll show you how to make tea.

5. 通过情景表演引出单词water和tea的学习。教读数遍。

6. 演示冲茶过程,巩固单词water和tea的学习。

7. 请幼儿品尝冲好的茶,引出短语Have some tea. 的学习。

8. 学习并会运用

幼儿园大班英语教案:how to make tea短语Have some water ./Have some tea.

9. 游戏活动:请幼儿分组冲茶,将冲好的茶请客人品尝。练习运用短语Have some water ./Have some tea.

10. 小结本次课的学习内容。

how to make tea


hat do you want? i want ....

大班英语活动:对话练习 what do you want?I want……


目标 :

1、理解what do you want?I want……的含义,学习想要want、巧克力chocolate的正确发音。


3、复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。


1、 各种食品,苹果apple, 桔子orange, 饼干biscuit蛋糕 cake, 帖candy, 巧克力chocolate、





引导幼儿进入情境,复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。内容:


Brush my teeth/ wash my face/ wash my hands/ comb my hair

(2)身体运动 头头,转转转等等,

Head, head, turn around

Feet, feet jump and jump


(1) 教师一人饰演两个角色,利用情节的发展引导幼儿和替代角色互动,并参与活动。

(2) 师生对话,练习句式。

I、 提问:Kala bear的点心屋来了客人,它怎么招待客人的?(what do you want?)

客人是怎样回答的?(I want…..)


III、师生练习对话,分集体、小组、个人练习对话(what do you want?)(I want…..)

(3) 请幼儿参与情境表演。

I、 介绍Kala bear snack room的食品名称,重点纠正(巧克力chocolate)的发音。

II、 幼儿参与游戏,每次2-3人扮演服务生,游戏数次。


玩法:由Kala bear 来布置今天的超级任务“在单词卡片中找字母c”,谁找到就可以带走点心,还有Kala bear的kiss。

hat do you want


Green grass is on the ground.

主题:Green grais on the ground.



Time:November 11th

Teaching aims

Le on 9

认读Q and R

听懂: Your green grais on the ground. I know you like it.

Good afternoon.

会唱:< Baaing, baaing, peeper shee gt;

Teaching tool:

Some cards、tape




1st.Warm up

First: cheek name.

Second: Sing the song with children about what we have learned last le on .

Children should act and sing the song.

Your can act what you want to act.


Review the contents about le on 8.

First:Show some cards and put the children to say: I can see ……and I can’t see…

Second: make the children say three dogs name.

Method: play the flash card game with the children and help them to remember the sentence :I can see ……or I can’t see…

Some words they don’t know how to read.

But the are very interested in the game ,most of the children can say I can see table 、book TV act.

The can remember the dogs name.


First: show the cards and introduce Peeper sheep to the children.

Second: look at C D and listen to the contents about the le on:

Peeper sheep:Good afternoon, peeper sheep.

Mighty m&;#111nkey: Good afternoon Mighty m&;#111nkey.

Mighty m&;#111nkey: I see. You’re hungry. Here you are. Your gra . Your green grain on the ground…

Third: teaching the children how toeak world and sentence of the dialogue.

Fourth: Tell them the meaabout the dialogue. And encourage the children to act the dialogue in front of the cla room.

Learn the song: &;lt aaing, baaing. Peeper shee gt;

They can remember the sheep’s name quickly.

When we listen to the dialogue together, some children can say some worlds about what we have learned in the picture. ex: they can say the world gra,tree, Dance Doggie, and so on.

Repeat the sentence “your green grais on the ground” more and more.


Fallow the tape, singing the song tighter.

5th.Feed back

Most of the children caneak the sentence, but some of them can’t.

The children are more interested in the game and song.

6th.Judge of myself

I should keep more patience with the children.

Green grass is on the ground

Green grass is on the ground


Go to the sea world



二、 体验与朋友交往的乐趣,培养幼儿乐于运用英语进行表达。


一、 布置海底世界的场景。

二、 课件"海洋世界"。






一、律动:"Go to the sea world"

T: Today, Let"s go to the sea world .



T: Look!Here we are,The bottom of sea.

T&C: The bottom of sea.

T: Hey!Who is coming?(老师演示课件)

T&C: It"s a turtlecrab clown fishsea starsea horse.

T: It has eight hands, Soft body! Who is it?


T&C: It"s an octopus!

T: It"s clown fish"s good friend. Clown fish always hide in it, who is it? (鼓励幼儿大胆猜想后演示课件)

T&C: It"s a sea anemone.

T: It has two big wings and a long tail. It can swim fast. Who is it? (鼓励幼儿大胆猜想后演示课件)

T&C: It"s a ray.

三、 游戏"Play hide-and-seek"

T: Look! What"s the animal under the magnifying glass.


T&C: It"s an octopus a sea anemone a ray.

T: The sea animals are hiding! Let"s find them and tell me :"Who is it?"


T: Now, Let"s put on the headbands. Very good! We become lovely sea animals.


T: Who are you?

T&C: I"m a…….

四、 音乐游戏:Skip to my Lou

1、Ok! Do you have any good friends? Look! The sea star has a good friend. Who is it?

(利用课件演示海星与章鱼互相介绍的语言:This is my good friend , Heshe is….)



T: Let"s sing and make friends:

Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou,

Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip to my darling.

T: "Let"s shake hands"when the music is over,Introduce your friend:This is my good friend , Heshe is….



T: What do you want to do with your friends?

T&C: Share the foodsingdancego shoppinggo to the partyplay together……(鼓励幼儿发散思维)

五、看图读和演:Act out the book

T: Take a look !I have a big book!Let"s do as the animals do and please tell others what you are doing.

(老师出示图文并茂的大图书,让幼儿在音乐中看图、读和演。内容有:We are swimming. We are eating. We are turning round.We are blowing bubbles.We are sleeping.We are dancing.We are


Go to the sea world


Fruits Are Healthy



1、复习One to Ten 十个英语数字;复习Duck ,Dog,Cat,Bear,Tiger,Monkey,几种小动物的英语词汇。


3、学习歌曲Fruits Ate Healthy


教学难点:词汇cherries grapes wayermelon 的正确发音。教学准备:小动物的图片,水果挂图,各类水果的图片宝宝,英语教学平台


一 、1问候: Hi,boys and girls!Hi,Miss sun!

2游戏:Let us play a game!

Ok! (幼儿在教师的带领下,以游戏的形式复习One To Ten 十个英语词汇)

3今天的天气很好,Miss sun带你们到动物园玩好不好。我们来看看动物园里有那些小动物。Look at a picture!(出示小动物的图片)Who

is it! Dog!(幼儿依次将小动物的英语名称说出来。)我们把他们的英语名字编成歌曲唱出来,好不好。(幼儿依次将小动物的英语名称唱出来)

二、1、Ok ,very good!你们唱的真好听来鼓励鼓励自己。(good good very

verygood)逛了这么长的时间,我都觉得渴了,想吃水果了,你们想不想吃。老师给你们买得好不好?好,close yout eyes一会老师就给你们买来了。Ok

open your eyes,看看老师给你们买了那些水果。(出示水果的教学挂图)我们先来看看第一个是谁 。What is it !

Apple。(教师带领幼儿练习apple 的发音,对于错误的幼儿要及时纠正。)你们想不想吃Apple 。好的

,咱们再吃苹果以前要怎么样?(先洗一洗)Ok。咱们在洗Apple 的时候洗一下就说一次Apple 。OK?

1) Apple Apple Apple Apple 啊呜啊呜啊呜 (多多的练习)

2)好的我们来看Apple 吃完了小朋友们学会了吗。 来Numb One说出Apple的英语名称 Numb Two ,Numb Three

,NumbFour 。

3)每组的小朋友一起说能够说出来。我们来看看一个小朋友能不能说出苹果的英语单词,next 下个小朋友接着说,next直到最后一个小朋友说完为止。



大大的),Peach长的什么样子(甜甜的 、大大的)Watermelon(大大的 圆圆的) Pear(黄黄的 甜甜的) Cherries (红红的)

Grapes(紫色的、圆圆的)Orange(甜甜的) Bnanan(黄黄的 弯弯的)好我们这么唱好不好:

Apple Apple 红苹果 Peac Peach甜桃子 Watermelon 大西瓜 Pear Pear大黄梨 Cherries Cherries红樱桃

Grapes Grapes紫葡萄 OrangeOrange 甜桔子 Bnanan Bnanan黄香蕉(可以运用在幼儿较熟悉的音乐,反复的练习)

3、 好的吃完了好吃的水果,老师这里还有好多的水果宝宝(Fruit



Catefuily!(幼儿听歌曲Fruits Ate

Healthy)好听吗?你们想不想学,我们和你们的水果宝宝一起到外面去,让水果宝宝把这首好听的歌教给我们好不好?幼儿听着Fruits Ate


Fruits Are Healthy


Easter Bunny复活节1

Easter Bunny

Teaching Plan: Easter Bunny

School: No.2 Education Kindergarten of Jiangmen (江门教育二幼)

Teacher: Eileen Zhou 周爱连

Children's age: Four years' old


can hop、找朋友、制作复活蛋、藏蛋和寻蛋等游戏,让幼儿知道了兔(Easter Bunny)和蛋(Easter

egg)在节日里的重要意义,知道了兔子跳是hop, 学会了单词Easter Bunny、Easter

egg、toy、basket、hop、hide。句型Color the egg, lots of fun. Go on an egg hunt.







4.单词:Easter BunnyEaster eggbaskettoyhop





2.Easter Bunny的音乐磁带



1. Warm up


T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?

C: I am happy. Thank you. And you?

T: I am fine, too. Thank you. Please look at the sky, what's the weather like?

C: It's sunny/rainy/cloudy.

. Music: "Weather"

"It's a sunny day today. Sunny day, sunny day. It's a sunny day today. Hot, hot,


2. New words

T: Easter is coming. Here comes an Easter Bunny. Look, she is hopping to us.

T: Hello, I am Easter Bunny. Nice to see you.

T&C: Nice to see you, too.

T: What's in your hand?

T1: It's a basket.

T&C: Basket, basket, It's a basket.

T: What's in your basket?

T1: Let me show you. This is a toy.

T&C: Oh, toy, toy, it's a toy.

T: There are many toys in your basket. Let me see. This is a toy car. This is a

toy carrot. That's a toy

dog. Oh, what's that? It's very beautiful.

T1: I want you to guess.

T: Is it a boat?

T1: No, it isn't.

T: Is it a bowl?

T1: No, it isn't.

T: I'm sorry, Easter Bunny. I don't know. Boys and girls, do you know?

T1: (Match the egg) Do you know now. it's an Easter egg.

T: Easter egg, Easter egg, It's an Easter egg. How colorful it is!

T1: Yes, How many colors can you see?

T&C: Let's count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. There are seven.

T1: What colors are they?

T&C: They are red, blue, green, pink, orange, purple and yellow.

T: Easter eggs are so beautiful. May I have one.

T1: Sure. Here, I have many Easter eggs. But they are broken. Can you help me

match them?

T: Yes, I can. Can you, boys and girls?

3. Play games

. Match the Easter egg from two parts.

Put the Easter egg puzzles on the floor. Have the children match them right.

. I can hop.

T: Easter Bunny, you have so many toys. Shall we play with them?

T1: Of course. Let's play together. (Have the children put on the headbands. Put

one object into each hulohoop.)

Now, I am an Easter Bunny. I can hop. Hop, hop, hop, I can hop. Hop to the toy.

Hop to the basket. Hop to the

Easter egg.

Find friends

T: Easter Bunny has hided the Easter eggs down and up. Each of them has friends.

Can you find them out? (Have

the children find out the same Easter eggs.)

(Music: "Easter Bunny hop, hop, hop. Hide the eggs, down and up.")

4. Follow up

Encourage the children to listen to the tape everyday and play games with their


Easter Bunny复活节1


caterpillar butterfly ladybug

大班英文综合活动 caterpillar butterfly ladybug

Lesson Plan

Teaching content:

Words: caterpillarladybug

Sentences: Caterpillar is to be butterfly.

Teaching aim:

(1)Help the kids learn the new words and sentence.

(2)Help the kids review:

Words: Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungry

Chant: 《Season Chant》《A Week》

Song: 《Morning Song》

Teaching aids:

(1) Picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon

(2) Real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton.

Teaching procedure:

1、Greeting: Say hello to all the guest teachers and make theroll-call .

2、Warm up : (1) Song 《Morning Song》

(2)Game 《Simon Says》


(1)Talk about the weather、days and the season (Review the chant),tell the kids that there will be lots of i ects inring and summer with the warmer and warmer weather, such as ants 、 iders and so on. Guide the kids to find the i ects in the gra .

Show and teach them the words: caterpillar and ladybug.

Practice the words: whole cla partindividual

Game of the two new words:

Listening game《Find your friends》

eaking game《London Bridge is Falling Down》

(2)Caterpillar makes friends with the ladybug, they have a good time together(play some games). After a while, caterpillar feels a little hungry, he starts to eat: an a le、a pear、a banana、a strawberry、an orange、a cake、a biscuit、a hamburger、an ice-cream、a peach and a watermelon. Now the caterpillar become a fat one, not a tiny one any more. The caterpillar feels sleepy , so he build a small house and go to sleep.

(3)Tell the kids that if they can count the 7 days a week for two times, they will find the magic change of the caterpillar. (Review the days of a week).Show them the butterfly and teach them the new sentence with TPR.


Today we know two new friends and we have a good time together, now it’s time to say goodbye (Sing the《goodbye song》 with the words: caterpillar and ladybug)

caterpillar butterfly ladybug